Hidema Lab

Invited Talks, Seminars, Conference Papers

2024 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

2024 Invited Talks

  • TBA
  • 2024 Seminars

  • TBA
  • 2024 Conference Papers

  • Linbin Zeng, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Keiko Fujioka, “System Analysis and Optimixation of Thermal Booster Based on Calcium Chloride in Micro-Capsules with Nano-Holes”, Extended Abstracts of the Third Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, 3rd ACTS, Paper No. ACTS-A0236, 2 Pages (2024)
  • 2023 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2023 Invited Talks

  • 日出間るり, “柔らかい粒子としてのダブルエマルションのマイグレーション挙動”,第74回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会,信州大学,長野 (2023)
  • 2023 Seminars

  • Ruri Hidema, “Energy transfer in two-dimensional turbulent flow affected by polymers and surfactants”,Seminar at Complex Fluids and Flows Unit, OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2023)
  • 日出間るり, “複雑流体のレオロジー”,日本レオロジー学会 レオロジーイブニングセミナー,オンライン (2023)
  • 2023 Conference Papers

  • Kanta Kato, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Generation Characteristics of TBAB/H2 Hydrates in Microcapsules with Nano-Holes at Atmospheric Pressure”, The 33rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Paper No. 44, 3 Pages (2023)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshinori Itaya, Koichi Nakaso, Kimito Kawamura, “System Analysis on a Thermal Transistor for Heat Recovery”, 26th International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR2023), Paper No. 96, 8 Pages (2023)
  • Linbin Zeng, Ruri Hidema, Keiko Fujioka, Hiroshi Suzuki, “The Heat Output/input and Coefficient-of-performance Characteristics of a Chemical Heat Pump with Silica Nano-holed Microcapsule Composites Based on Calcium Chloride”, Extended Abstracts of 2023 International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE-2023), Paper No. ICOPE-2023-1262, 3 Pages (2023)
  • Ruri Hidema, Shogo Sasaki, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Inertial Migration of Size-controlled Double Emulsions”, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2023), Paper No. 719, 2 Pages (2023)
  • 2022 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers 修正する

    2022 Invited Talks

  • 日出間るり, “マイクロレオロジー手法を用いた高分子と周囲流体の相互作用の定量化”,日本接着学会 粘着研究会 第183回粘着研究会例会,東京大学農学部,東京 (2022)
  • 日出間るり, “マイクロ流路内で生じる安定・不安定流動の理解と利用”,第36回岡山マイクロリアクターネット例会,岡山大学,岡山 (2022)
  • 日出間るり, “粘弾性流体や柔らかい粒子のマイクロレオロジー計測”,化学工学会 粒子流体プロセス部会気液固分散工学分科会 第24回気液固分散工学サロン,オンライン (2022)
  • 2022 Seminars

  • Ruri Hidema, “Dynamics of complex fluids at multiple length scale”,Seminar at PIC laboratory, TotalEnergies, TotalEnergies, Pau, France (2022)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Dynamics of complex fluids at multiple length scale”,Seminar at Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle, ESPCI Paris, ESPCI Paris, Paris, France (2022)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Dynamics of complex fluids at multiple length scale”,Seminar at Department of Physics, Université Paris Cité, Université Paris Cité, Paris, France (2022)
  • 2021 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2021 Invited Talks

  • 日出間るり, “複雑流体のマイクロレオロジー計測”, 化学工学会粒子流体プロセス部会熱物質流体工学分科会 熱物質流体工学セミナー2021,オンライン(2021)
  • 日出間るり, “非線形非平衡現象を駆使した化学プロセスの創成 ~特定の条件で急に生じる現象の理解と制御~”, JST2021年度理事長記者説明会,第5回,JST東京本部,東京(2021)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Characteristic energy transfer in a polymer-doped two-dimensional turbulent flow and microfluidic approach to detect drag coefficients of polymers”, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Complex Fluids Seminar Series, On-line(2021),
    To access the details, link is here. If you are interested in Watch here
  • Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Keynote presentation: Polymer-fluids interaction quantified by the drag force of polymers in a flow”,The 21st International Union of Materials Research Societies – International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA2020), On-line (2021)
  • 日出間るり, “複雑流体流動挙動の階層性を溶液内部の不均一さの観点から明らかにする実験研究”, 第 38 回コロイド界面技術シンポジウム On-line (2021)
  • 日出間るり, “複雑流体流動挙動の階層性を誘発する溶液内部の不均一さ”, 第403回高分子分析研究懇談会 On-line (2021)
  • 日出間るり, “溶液内部の不均一さに由来する複雑流体流動挙動の階層性”, 化学工学会 岡山地区化学工学懇話会「第68回コロキウム」 (2021)
  • 日出間るり, “マイクロ流路を用いたダブルエマルションの生成”, 株式会社資生堂 社内講演会 On-line (2021)
  • 2021 Conference Papers

  • Linbin Zeng, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Keiko Fujioka, “Power Density of Silica Nano-Holed Microcapsule Composites Based on Calcium Chloride for Chemical Heat Pump”, Extended Abstracts of 2021 International Conference on Power Engineering (ICOPE-2021), Paper No. ICOPE-2021-0168, 2 Pages (2021)
  • Mitsuru Yasumura, Daiki Shimada, Keita Taniya, Takafumi Horie, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Yuichi Ichihashi, Naoto Ohmura, Hiroshi Suzuki, Satoru Nishiyama, “Effect of Modification with Amino Silane Anchor on Successive Formation of SiO2 Thin Later on the Outer Surface of Hard-shell Micro Capsules”, Extended Abstracts of the Second Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, 2nd ACTS, Paper No. 1204, 2 Pages (2021)
  • Naoki Miyata, Takumu Otsubo, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Masao Iwaya, Masaru Endo, Naotaka Nishio, “Development of Latent Heat Transportation Techniques Using Super-Hydrophobic Marshmallow-Like Gel Particles Adsorbing Hexadecane”, Extended Abstracts of the Second Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, 2nd ACTS, Paper No. 1134, 2 Pages (2021)
  • Takumu Otsubo, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Study on the Preparation of Ammonium Alum Slurries with High Thermal Density”, Extended Abstracts of the Second Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, 2nd ACTS, Paper No. 1051, 2 Pages (2021)
  • Takumu Otsubo, Naoki Miyata, Masao Iwaya, Masaru Endo, Naotaka Nishio, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of PCM Slurry of Super-Hydrophobic Gel Particles Adsorbing Paraffin”, Proceedings of 13th IIR Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Paper No. 1942, 8 Pages (2021)
  • 2020 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2020 Invited Talks

  • Ruri Hidema, “Local viscosity distribution of viscoelastic solutions measured by optical tweezers”, Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (CTAM 2020), Taipei, Taiwan, On-line (2020)
  • 日出間るり, “基調講演:高分子溶液のマイクロフルイディクスとマイクロレオロジー”, 化学工学会 粒子流体プロセス部会 第8回 「若手研究者・技術者を対象とした工場見学および交流会」 (2020)
  • 2020 Seminars

  • Ruri Hidema, “Effects of flexibility and entanglement of sodium hyaluronate in solutions on the elastic instability in micro abrupt contraction-expansion channels”,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Fluid Dynamics Seminar, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, On-line (2020)
  • 2019 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2019 Invited Talks

  • Ruri Hidema,“Microrheology and microfluidics of complex fluids”, Mahidol- Kobe Workshop, Kobe University, Kobe (2019)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema,“Keynote: Low Carbon Society Realization by Using Hard-Shell Microcapsules with Phase Change Materials”,2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, Maui, USA (2019)
  • 日出間るり, “依頼講演:ヒアルロン酸ナトリウム溶液の弾性不安定現象”,日本機械学会 第30回バイオフロンティア講演会 (2019)
  • 日出間るり, “高温系潜熱輸送物質の流動性向上とカプセル化に向けた基礎研究”,コロイド&界面科学研究センター(CoLLIS)第3回熱マネージメント講座 ~”熱”を操る! (2019)>
  • 日出間るり, “[依頼講演] マイクロ流動場の流動制御 ― マイクロ流路を利用した粘弾性流体の流動特性評価とダブルエマルションの創成 ―”,化学工学会第84年会女性技術者フォーラム (2019)
  • 2019 Seminars

  • Ruri Hidema, “Effects of polymer characteristics and conformation on complex flow behavior of polymer solution”,University of Strathclyde MAE Invited Seminar Series, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK (2019)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Effects of polymer characteristics and conformation on complex flow behavior of polymer solution”,Seminar at The Division of Biomedical Engineering, University of Glasgow, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK (2019)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Effects of the extensional rheological properties of polymer solutions on a two-dimensional turbulent flow”,Seminar at Mechanical, Materials & Aerospace Engineering, University of Liverpool, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK (2019)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Effects of polymer characteristics and conformation on complex flow behavior of polymer solution”,Séminaire du Laboratoire de Photophysique et Photochimie Supramoléculaires et Macromoléculaires (PPSM), L’École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay (ENS, Paris-Saclay), Cachan, France (2019)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Effects of polymer characteristics and conformation on complex flow behavior of polymer solution”,Séminaire du Laboratoire de Sciences et Ingénierie de la Matière Molle (SIMM), L’École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris (ESPCI, Paris), Paris, France (2019)
  • 2019 Conference Papers

  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Sohei Usa, Ruri Hidema, “Flow Characteristics of Silica Hard-Shell Microcapsule Slurries Treated with Additives”, Proceedings of International Conference on Refrigeration, Paper No. 860, 8pages (2019)
  • 2018 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2018 Invited Talks

  • 日出間るり, “高分子溶液の流動挙スケール依存性に関する実験研究―”,高分子学会九州支部フォーラム 女性研究者が拓く高分子化学の先端研究 (2018)
  • 鈴木洋, “ラバー形リアクティブ3Dプリンターのノズル射出・着弾・反応特性”,日本ゴム協会関西支部9月例会講演会 (2018)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Vortex deformation in two-dimensional turbulent flows of drag reducing polymer solutions”,Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Mini-symposium, Flow & instability of self-assembled systems, OIST, Okinawa, Japan (2018)
  • 日出間るり, “パネル討論III 教えて理系のキャリアパス”,日経ウーマノミクス フォーラム シンポジウム ダイバーシティ研究環境整備と女性研究者の未来 (2018)
  • 鈴木洋, “Keynote: 熱輸送を高効率化する複雑流体による潜熱輸送技術”,日本冷凍空調学会関西支部サロンセミナー (2018)
  • 日出間るり, “若手研究者による特別講演:「柔らかい物質を含む流体」を研究するに至るまで”,サイエンスフェアin兵庫 (2018)
  • 鈴木洋, “好きなサイズでリポソーム生成〜マイクロフローフォーカシング”,日本化学会第35回コロイド・界面技術シンポジウム (2018)
  • 鈴木洋, “粘弾性流体によって掃引されるキャビティ内のバルジ構造について”,日本伝熱学会関西支部伝熱技術フォーラム (2018)
  • 2018 Conference Papers

  • Ruri Hidema, Yuki Tanino, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Extensional Viscosity of Highly Viscoelastic Solutions Measured by Pressure Drops in Abrupt Contraction Flows”, Proceedings of The 29th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP29), Paper No. ISTP29-125, 4pages (2018)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Ippei Watanabe, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Takafumi Horie, Naoto Ohmura, Hitoshi Asano, “Fabrication of Hard-Shell Microcapsules Containing Sodium Acetate Inorganix Hydrates”, Proceedings of The 29th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP29), Paper No. ISTP29-088, 4pages (2018)
  • Yoshiyuki Komoda, Tomoya Date, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Naoto Ohmura, “Laminar mixing using a rotationally reciprocating anchor impeller”, Proceedings of 16th European Conference on Mixing, Paper No. 181, 4pages (2018)
  • Kohei Nakamura, Takashi Ina, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Ammonia Alum Hydrate-Based Phase Change Materials for Effective Use of Excess Exhaust Heat from Gas Engines”, Proceedings of 12th IIR/IIF International Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Paper No. 0029, 8pages (2018)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ippei Watanabe, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Takafumi Horie, Naoto Ohmura, Hitoshi Asano, “Dispersion and Flow Characteristics of Hard-Shell Microcapsules with Phase Change Materials”, Proceedings of 12th IIR/IIF International Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Paper No. 0023, 8pages (2018)
  • 2017 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2017 Invited Talks

  • Hiroshi Suzuki, “Keynote: Bulge Structure Observed in a Cavity Swept by a Visco-Elastic Fluid Flow”, 6th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Chennai, India (2017)
  • 鈴木洋, “硬殻マイクロカプセル化蓄熱技術によるサーマルギャップソリューション”, INCHEM TOKYO 2017産学官マッチングフォーラム (2017)
  • 鈴木洋, “化学工業における化学工学の役割”, 化学工学会第24回中高教諭とケミカルエンジニア交流のための見学講演会(関西地区) (2017)
  • 鈴木洋, “超音波による粒子分散メカニズムの解明”, 日本粉体技術協会平成29年度第1回湿式プロセス分科会) (2017)
  • Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Effects of extensional rheological properties of polymer solutions on vortex deformation in a two-dimensional turbulent flow”, 18th International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows and 3rd Complex Fluids and Flows in Industry and Nature workshop, Vancouver, Canada (2017)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Akiko Senda, Kiyotaka Ishihara, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Kosuke Suzuki, “Numerical Simulation on Impinging Droplets of Pseudo-Plastic Fluids”, 18th International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows and 3rd Complex Fluids and Flows in Industry and Nature workshop, Vancouver, Canada (2017)
  • 日出間るり, “マイクロ流路流動場における粘弾性流体の不安定挙動”, 日本トライボロジー学会第3種研究委員会分子シミュレーションのトライボロジーへの応用研究会,第22回研究会 (2017)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Development of Latent Heat Transportation Systems with Various PCM”, 4th Swiss Symposium Thermal Energy Storage, Luzern, Swiss (2017)
  • 2017 Seminars

  • 日出間るり, “複雑流体の階層性に関する実験研究”,九州大学大学院理学研究院物理学部門 複雑物性基礎研究室 ソフトマター複雑物性グループ (2017)
  • 2017 Conference Papers

  • Ruri Hidema, Ikumi Murao, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Effects of Extensional Rheological Properties of Polymer Solutions on a Two-dimensional Turbulent Flow”, The 11th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing (PSFVIP11), Paper No. PSFVIP-105, 5pages (2017)
  • Ruri Hidema, Yuki Tanino, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Kosuke Suzuki, “Flow Characteristics of Viscoelastic Fluids with Abrupt Contraction Channels”, The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC9), Paper No. TFEC9-1558, 5pages (2017)
  • Daichi Okada, Kento Nakatani, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Kosuke Suzuki, “Injection Characteristics of Viscoelastic Fluids from a Nozzle”, The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC9), Paper No. TFEC9-1524, 5pages (2017)
  • Tomohiro Senda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Takahiro Kusabe, Hiroki Tobayama, Tetsuro Iwata, “Solid-Solid Phase Change and Crystal generation characteristics of TBAB/CO2 Double Hydrate”, The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC9), Paper No. TFEC9-1450, 5pages (2017)
  • 2016 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2016 Invited Talks

  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Micro-encapsulated Phase Change Materials for Thermal Storage and Latent Heat Transportation Systems”, The 3rd International Symposium of Integrated Research and Education Center for Energy Conversion, Storage, Saving, and Transport Technologies, “Japan-Asia Symposium of Materials, Devices, and Systems Directed Towards Energy and Environmental Sciences”, Fukuoka, Japan (2016)
  • 鈴木洋, “Keynote: サーマルギャップソリューションに向けた蓄熱技術”, 日本冷凍空調学会年次大会 (2016)
  • 日出間るり, “マイクロ流路を利用した粘弾性流体の評価とソフトマテリアルの創成”, 第64回レオロジー討論会 若手招待講演 (2016)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Vortex Deformation on Two-dimensional Turbulence Affected by Polymers”, the 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM2016), Montréal, Canada (2016)
  • Ruri Hidema and Hiroshi Suzuki, “Vortex Deformation on Two-dimensional Turbulence Affected by Polymers”, New Aspects of Micro- and Macroscopic Flows in Soft Matters, Jointly organized by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University and The Society of Rheology, Japan, Okinawa, Japan (2016)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki and Ruri Hidema, “Heat Transfer Recovery on a Surfactant Drag-Reducing Flow”, New Aspects of Micro- and Macroscopic Flows in Soft Matters, Jointly organized by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University and The Society of Rheology, Japan, Okinawa, Japan (2016)
  • 鈴木洋, “リアクティブ3Dプリンタによるテーラーメイドラバー製品の設計生産と社会経済的な価値共創”, 尼崎産業フェア (2016)
  • 2016 Conference Papers

  • Kohei Nakamura, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Ruri Hidema, “Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ammonia Alum Hydrate Slurries with Additives”, The 4th International Forum on Heat Transfer, Paper No. IFHT2016-1913, 6pages (2016)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Kota Inoue, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Masao Iwaya, Tomoya Mizuta, Masaori Yoshikane, “Latent Heat Transportation with Super-Hydrophobic Gel”, The 4th International Forum on Heat Transfer, Paper No. IFHT2016-1901, 6pages (2016)
  • Yudai Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, “Microrheological investigation on the local viscosity in the drying droplet of polymer solution”, The 18th International Symposium on Coating Science and Technology, 10pages (2016)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Tomohiro Senda, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Takahiro Kusabe, Hiroki Tobayama, Tetsuro Iwata, “Low-Temperature Latent Heat Transition Media with TBAB/CO2 Hybrid Hydrates”, The 27th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Paper No. ISTP27-114, 6pages (2016)
  • Ruri Hidema, Yuki Tanino, Takahito Shiraki, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Extensional Viscosity of Low Viscous Polymer Solutions Measured by Pressure Drops in Abrupt Contraction FLows”, The 27th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Paper No. ISTP27-112, 7pages (2016)
  • Yoshiyuki Komoda, Fumito Tomimasu, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, “Frequency Analysis of Torque Variation of a Rotationally Reciprocating Impeller”, 5th Asian Conference on Mixing (ACOM2016), Paper No. O-301, 5pages (2016)
  • Tomoya Date, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, “Application on a Rotationally Reciprocating Impeller on Crystallization Process”, 5th Asian Conference on Mixing (ACOM2016), Paper No. O-106, 5pages (2016)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Masato Tamaru, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Fabrication Characteristics of Phase-Change Materials of Silica Hard-Shell Microcapsules”, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, pp.246-253 (2016)
  • Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Hideki Sato, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Kohei Nakamura, “Particle Sedimentation Depression with Stabilizers and Surfactants on Phase Change Materials”, Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, pp.152-161 (2016)
  • 2015 Invited Talk, Seminar, Conference Papers

    2015 Invited Talks

  • 鈴木洋, “潜熱輸送スラリーによる高密度熱搬送システムと流動抵抗低減モデル”, 希薄溶液の流動学研究会 (2015)
  • 日出間るり, “界面・分散を制御する:分散系レオロジーの制御”, 日本化学会コロイドおよび界面化学部会関西支部,第33回関西界面科学セミナー,―界面科学・分散技術の基礎と最先端研究― (2015)
  • 日出間るり, “各階層に現れる高分子溶液の伸長流動特性”, プラスチック成形加工学会押出成形専門委員会 (2015)
  • 鈴木洋,日出間るり,勝田知尚,菰田悦之, “リポソーム製剤の革新的製造技術”, 第33回近畿バイオインダストリー振興会議バイオ技術シーズ公開会 (2015)
  • 2015 Seminars

  • Ruri Hidema, “Flow Characteristics of Dilute Polymer Solution Observed in Micro to Macro Scale”, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, The University of California at Berkeley Seminar, Berkeley, CA (2015)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Effects of Polymers on Two-dimensional Turbulent Flow”, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, The Ohio State University Seminar, Columbus, OH (2015)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Flow Characteristics of Dilute Polymer Solution Observed in Micro to Macro Scale”, Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Inha University Seminar, Incheon, Korea (2015)
  • Ruri Hidema, “Hierarchical Flow Characteristics of Dilute Complex Fluids”, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, National Central University Seminar, Zhongli, Taiwan (2015)
  • 2015 Conference Papers

  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Keiko Fujioka, Naoki Sawa, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics in a Calcium Chloride/Hollow Silica Particle Composite”, Proceedings of International Conference on Power Engineering 2015 (ICOP-2015), Paper No. ICOPE-15-1053, 9pages (2015)
  • Masato Tamaru, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Fabrication of silica hard-shell microcapsule containing inorganic phase-change materials”, Proceedings of the 24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Paper No. 394, 8pages (2015)
  • Hideki Sato, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “A Study on Particle Sedimentation Depression with Poly Vinyl Alcohol and Surfactant”, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, Paper No. AJK2015-23586, 6pages (2015)
  • Ikumi Murao, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Relationship between Velocity Field and Curvature of a Vortex in Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flow”, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, Paper No. AJK2015- 23582, 6pages (2015)
  • Taiki Oka, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Effects of Contraction Ratio on Elastic Instability of Hyaluronate Solution in a Micro Channel”, Proceedings of ASME-JSME-KSME Joint Fluids Engineering Conference 2015, Paper No. AJK2015-18556, 7pages (2015)
  • Yoshiyuki Komoda, Saki Senda, Noriyuki Yamagami, Yushi Hirata, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, "Torque Variation of a Rotationally Reciprocating Plate Impeller and its Relationship with Fluid Flow in a Cylindrical Vessel", Proceedings of 15th European Conference on Mixing, pp.193-198 (2015)
  • 2014 Conference Papers

  • Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Elastic Instability of Hyaluronate Solution in Micro Abrupt Contraction-Expansion Channels”, Proceedings of 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper No. 381883, 8pages, (2014)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Koji Tanaka, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Size Effect Model on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ammonium Alum Hydrate Slurries Treated with Surfactants”, Proceedings of 2014 AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper No. 377013, 8pages, (2014)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Size Effect of the Flow Path on the Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in a Cavity Swept by a Visco-Elastic Fluid”, Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. IHTC15-9449, 15pages, (2014)
  • Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Takuya Tano, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ammonium Alum Hydrate Slurries with Surfactants as Drag-Reducers and with Polyvinyl Alcohol as Stabilizers”, Proceedings of the 15th International Heat Transfer Conference, Paper No. IHTC15-9469, 14pages, (2014)
  • Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Keiichiro Tanomura, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Micro-Fluidic Behavior Near Gas/Liquid Interface on Liposome Production in a Micro-Channel”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, Paper No. O124, 6pages, (2014)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Flow Characteristics in a Micro-Cavity Swept by a Visco-Elastic Fluid”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale, Paper No. O121, 6pages, (2014)
  • 2013 Conference Papers

  • Yoshiyuki Komoda, Taishi Yamane, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ruri Hidema, “Development of Particle Packed Layer in the Drying Process of Latex Paints”, Proceeding of AIChE Annual Meeting 2013, Paper No. 334994, 8pages, (2013)
  • Saki Senda, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Hiroshi Takeda, Yushi Hirata, Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, “Characteristics of Fluid Deformation Induced By a Rotationally Reciprocating Impeller”, Proceeding of AIChE Annual Meeting 2013, Paper No. 334236, 8pages, (2013)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Koji Masuda, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Numerical Simulation On Unsteady Dispersion Characteristics of Particles in a Flow Between Coaxial Cylinders”, Proceeding of AIChE Annual Meeting 2013, Paper No. 334568, 8pages, (2013)
  • Ruri Hidema, Hiroshi Suzuki, Junpei Mori, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Intermittent Gas/Liquid Interfaces in a Micro-Channel for Liposome Production”, Proceeding of AIChE Annual Meeting 2013, Paper No. 334575, 8pages, (2013)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Taketo Fudaba, Keiko Fujioka, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Heat and Mass Transfer Characteristics in a Calcium Chloride/Expanded Graphite Cell in a Chemical Heat Pump”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Innovative Materials for Processes in Energy Systems 2013, Paper No. IMPRES2013-054,6pages, (2013)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Takuya Tano, Kouji Tanaka, Ruri Hidema, Yoshiyuki Komoda “Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics on Ammonia Alum Hydrate Slurries with Surfactants and Stabilizers”, Proceedings of 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Paper No. 4a.4, 6pages, (2013)
  • Ruri Hidema, Shion Hisamatsu, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, “Drag-Reducing Surfactant Effects on Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flow”, Proceedings of 8th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Paper No. 4c.3, 3pages, (2013)
  • 2012 Conference Papers

  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Yuta Higuchi, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Ruri Hidema, “Effect of the Molar Ratio of Counter-Ions on Flow Characteristics of Surfactant Solutions Sweeping Cavities”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Paper No. 156, 7pages (2012)
  • Ruri Hidema,Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “Extensional Viscosity of Semi-Dilute Polymer Solution Effect on Two-Dimensional Turbulence”, Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Paper No. 155, 6pages (2012)
  • Takafumi Toyoda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Ruri Hidema,“Adsorption Behaviour of a Calcium Carbonate Particle to Solid Walls Having Different Hydrophilic Characteristics”, Proceedings of 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper No. 345f, 8pages (2012)
  • Ruri Hidema,Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “Single Image Turbulence Analysis for Drag Reduction Affected by Flexibility of Polymers”, Proceedings of 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper No. 142ag, 8pages (2012)
  • Hidemitsu Furukawa, Jin Gong, Yoshitaka Amano, Go Takada, Ruri Hidema, “Smart Hydrogels Developed With Intercrosslinking Network (ICN) Structure”, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing (ASMP 2012), Paper No. SMSFM6, 3pages (2012)
  • Jin Gong, Yusuke Watanabe, Ruri Hidema, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “Study of Simply Prepared Standard Gel Materials for Industry”, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing (ASMP 2012), Paper No. SMSFM5, 3pages (2012)
  • Hisato Muroi, Jin Gong, Ruri Hidmea, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “Optical 3D Printing of Soft and Wet Industrial Materials”, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing (ASMP 2012), Paper No. SMSFM2, 3pages (2012)
  • Masato Wada, Jin Gong, Ruri Hidema, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “Surface and Bulk Mechanical Properties of Soft and Wet Materials”, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Symposium on Materials & Processing (ASMP 2012), Paper No. SMSFM1, 3pages (2012)
  • Takafumi. Toyoda, Hiroshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Ruri Hidema, “Adsorption Characteristics of Ammonia Alum Hydrate Particles onto the Coated Metal”, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, pp.326-333 (2012)
  • Hiroshi Suzuki, Makoto Fujii, Taketo Fudaba, Yoshiyuki Komoda, Toru Ishigami, Ruri Hidema, “Solidification Heat Transfer Characteristics of Ammonia Alum Hydrate Slurries Treated with Drag-Reducing Surfactants”, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Phase Change Materials and Slurries for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, pp.94-101 (2012)
  • Sho Harada, Ruri Hidema, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “Soft and Wet Actuator Developed with Responsible High-Strength Gels”, Proceedings of SPIE 2012 Smart Structures/NDE, 8341, pp.83412C-1-83412C-6 (2012)
  • Yoshitaka Amano, Ruri Hidema, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “An Inter-Crosslinking Network Gels That Has both Shape Memory and High Ductility”, Proceedings of SPIE 2012 Smart Structures/NDE, 8341, pp.83412B-1-83412B-7 (2012)
  • Hidemitsu Furukawa, Mayumi Yoshikawa, Kyoko Yamada, Toshiyuki Watanabe, Ruri Hidema, Kazuyuki Horie, “Photo-Responsible Gel Actuator Developed with Scanning Microscopic Light Scattering”, Proceedings of SPIE 2012 Smart Structures/NDE, 8341, pp.83411T-1-83411T-6 (2012)
  • Ruri Hidema, Naoya Yamada, Hidemitsu Furukawa, “Diagnosis at a glance of biological non-Newtonian fluids with Film Interference Flow Imaging (FIFI)”, Proceedings of SPIE 2012 Smart Structures/NDE, 8346, pp. 83461D-1- 83461D-7 (2012)